Time Signature
a. Answer the following true or false questions. (Point your mouse at the light bulb to reveal the answers)
1. The time signature means that there are 2 minim (half note) beats in a bar.
2. The time signature means that there are 4 crotchet (quarter note) beats in a bar.
3. The time signature means that there are 3 semiquaver (16th note) beats in a bar.
4. The time signature means that there are 2 crotchet (quarter note) beats in a bar.
b. Complete the following sentence. (Point your mouse at the light bulb to reveal the answers)
5. The time signature means that there are three ........ beats in a bar.
6. The time signature means that there are three ........ beats in a bar.
7. The time signature means that there are two ........ beats in a bar.
8. The time signature means that there are three ....... beats in a bar.